


临床护理专业于2011年获评“国家临床重点专科”, 护理系统以此为契机,立足患者需求与专业发展,开展 “STAR”行动护理安全文化建设工程,构建了科学、高 效的护理质量安全管理体系;深化护理品牌建设,打造“暖 护•匠心”护理品牌,全力推进人文建设,传承与发扬 始于大爱、成于精湛的医者精神;构建并实施“以岗位需 求为导向,以促进护士职业生涯发展为核心”的护理人才 培养机制,人才队伍在规模上、质量上得到全面提升;多 措并举改善护理服务,提升患者体验,赢得了患者满意与 社会好评。

重点专科建设成果丰硕,项目建设期间,护理系统产 出以“患者安全和优质护理”为主题的创新项目500余项, 296 项获国家专利,1 项获省护理创新改革评选活动一等 奖,3 项分获省科学技术一、二、三等奖;承担科研课题 近20项,在统计源期刊发表学术论文220余篇;新增 国家级学会任职19人,省级学会主委15人、其他任职 160 余人次;2 项品管项目先后斩获全国第三届、第四届 品管圈大赛一等奖;于 2013 年获“全国巾帼文明岗”荣 誉称号;2015年、2016年连续两年荣膺国家卫计委“优 质服务岗”。

Shandong Provincial Hospital clinical nursing was awarded as a "national key clincal specialty" in 2011. Clinical and nursing system took this opportunity to carry out the "STAR" nursing safety culture construction to patient’s needs and professional development and has built a scientific and effective nursing quality and safety management system. It has deepened the nursing brand building, and has created a nursing brand with "Warm Care, Originality" care brand. Promote humanities construction; inherit and carry forward healer spirit of began with deep love and an excellent achievement. Build and implement the nursing personnel training mechanism of "post demand oriented, so as to promote the nurse career development as the core" . Talent team has been fully developed in terms of scale and quality. More measures has been taken to improve the nursing service, improve patients’ experience, and win the patients' satisfaction and social credit. 

Fruitful key specialty construction. During the project construction period, the nursing system output more than 500 innovative projects with "patient safety and quality care" as the theme of, and won 296 national patents, one was awarded the first prize for the provincial nursing innovation reform campaign, and three got the provincial science and technology first, second and third prize. Undertook 20 items of the scientific research topic and published more than 220 papers in statistical source journals. There were 19 employees in office newly in national institute, 15 provincial institute chair, and more than 160 person-times in office. Two QC projects won the first prize in the national third and fourth QC Circle Contests. We won the honorary title of "national women's civilization post" in 2013 and we won the state development planning commission "high-quality service post" in 2015and 2016 for two consecutive years.