


内分泌科成立于1979年,全科床位总数达到108张。 是山东省首批“泰山学者”建设岗位,首批山东省内分泌代谢 病临床医学中心,山东省医药卫生重点学科,山东省中医重点 专科,山东省临床医学研究院内分泌代谢研究所,山东大学第 三批“985”临床医学重点学科,山东省内分泌代谢病质量控 制中心,国家药物临床试验机构资格认定专业,国家中医药 管理局中医药科研三级实验室(细胞分子生物学实验室),山 东大学内分泌与代谢病和中西医结合博(硕)士点及博士后 流动站。

全科特色专业共有6个:糖尿病及并发症;甲状腺疾病防治; 骨质疏松的诊治;垂体、肾上腺、性腺疾病的研究;肥胖症及 脂肪肝的防治;特色专科中西医结合治疗。各专业人员均居国 内先进水平。

科室是山东大学“985”临床医学重点学科,每年承办国 家继续医学教育项目和省级继续医学教育项目。多次获国家 级继续医学教育立项奖,指导的研究生多次获奖。

承担各级各类重点项目、重点课题100余项,其中主持 国家“十一五”重大科技支撑项目1项,主持国家自然基金课 题42项,国家自然基金重点项目2项,参与国家“863”“973” 计划4项。获各类科研成果奖 45 项,其中科研成果获得 2010年国家科技进步二等奖。中国中西医结合学会科学技术 奖二等奖1项,中华医学科技奖二等奖1项,山东省科技进步 一等奖6项、二等奖4项、三等奖4项,山东省医学科技奖6项, 共在国家级和国外专业杂志发表论文400余篇,有126篇被 SCI收录,每年有多篇论文参与ADA与ESDA交流,出版医 学专著50部,主编12部,副主编15部,指南8部。

The department endocrynology was founded in 1979 with a total of 108 beds, This discipline is the first construction jobs of ‘Taishan Scholar’ , the first batch of clinical medical center of endocrine metabolic disease, the key discipline of medicine and health care, the key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine, endocrine metabolism institute of clinical medicine research center in Shandong province, the third batch of "985" key discipline of clinical medicine of Shandong university, Level 3 laboratory (cell and molecular biology laboratory) of Shandong endocrine metabolic disease quality control center, national drug clinical trial institution qualification, the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine scientific research, endocrine and metabolic disease and traditional Chinese and western medicine combination doctor(masters) place and post-doctoral mobile stations of Shandong University.

6 characteristic majors in the department: Diabetes and complications; Thyroid disease prevention and control; The diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis; The pituitary gland, adrenal gland and gonad disease; Obesity and fatty liver disease prevention and control; Characteristic specialty combine traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment. The professionals are in advanced level domestically.

It is a "985" key discipline of clinical medicine of Shandong University, Shandong university affiliated teaching hospitals, the successful completion of graduate education in Shandong University, undergraduate teaching and teaching tasks such as internship trainee. Annual national continuing medical education programs for one time. Continuing medical education programs at the provincial level for one time. It has won many national continuing medical education project awards, guided students who pursue master degree won awards for many times.

It has undertaken key projects of all types and at all levels, the key topic of more than 100 items, including hosting 1 national "11th five-year plan" major science and technology support projects, presided over by the national natural fund topic 42 items, 2 key projects of national natural fund, participate in national "863", four "973" plan. 45 items of various kinds of scientific research achievement, among which it has won the second prize of the 2010 national scientific and technological progress , and the second prize of the science and technology of traditional Chinese and western medicine combination. One item of second prize of Chinese medical science. 6items of the first prize, 4 items of the second prize as well as 4 items of the third prize of Shandong medical technology prize. And has published 400 passages on the national and foreign professional magazine, among which 126 articles have been SCI. Every year, many theses are used for the communication of ADA and ESDA. There have been 50 medical monographs, 12 editors, 15 deputy editors and 8 guidance published.